The Methodological Guide and good practise collection for the elaboration of the foRMAtion international module, the foRMAtion project’s first intellectual output, has now been published and translated into five languages.

An important part of the foRMAtion project is collecting and analysing existing practices in the field of RMA training, and evaluating the transfer of existing know-how, lessons learnt and possible failures. This guide will be a first – such a comprehensive summary of the subject has never been done before.

The foRMAtion expert workshop, which was held in January 2020, in Porto, served as a basis for the Methodological Guide. Workshop participants included high-level experts and stakeholders active in the field of research management and administration (RMA) at national or EU level. The main aim of the event was to initiate knowledge and experience sharing between participants, and to collect good and bad practices, methods and tools connected to RMA training.

The take-aways from this event, supplemented by further desk research, have provided the necessary input for the Methodological Guide and good practice collection. The Methodological Guide presents and assesses a comprehensive set of existing training programmes and methodologies for RMAs and verifies their usability. In conducting the research and collecting good practices, close attention was given to countries with high performance in EU-funded educational, research and innovation projects, so as to identify truly proven practices and methods. The aim is to use these best practices as case studies to be transferred to poorly performing countries, or in those in which the role of RMA role is not yet well recognised.

The Methodological Guide will contribute to the creation of a truly innovative curriculum (IO2) and teaching method (IO3), which are two fundamental outputs of the project.

In addition to the original English version, the Methodological Guide is now available in:
