The foRMAtion consortium held its 10th online meeting on 10 December, reviewing its workplan for 2022. Since many of the events of the current year had to be postponed due to the pandemic, the partnership will face an intense year ahead, with many events to come.

The highlight of the year 2021 was the piloting of the recently designed curriculum on research management and administration.  Corvinus University of Budapest, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa and Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania have been testing the foRMAtion curriculum during the spring and the autumn semester with 59 students, altogether.

For 2022, the consortium plans to hold five multiplier events, seven training activities and four transnational project meetings. Sounds challenging? We are ready for it!

The multiplier events will promote the project results, such as the blended learning platform, the RMA mentorship programme, the international teaching material and, at the final stage, the policy recommendations to everyone who is interested in research management administration (RMA) and the evolution of this field towards becoming a recognized profession.

The training activities will target students in the form of blended mobility. In the framework of the foRMAtion Mentorship Program, selected students that have already completed one of the semesters of the international modules, can take part in a blended mobility in June-July 2022. Students will work together with trained mentors and they will experience the daily work of research managers and administrators. Maybe is this the career path you did not know it existed but always wanted to do?

Another possibility for students interested in the field of RMA will be the Seasonal School in Rome, a one-week long training in April 2022, when students can work on the online learning platform and get acquainted with the RMA profession.

The consortium will organize four international project meetings to support the successful implementation of the multiplier events and the training activities.

Stay with us and take part in this exciting foRMAtion journey!