As we are approaching the official closing of foRMAtion this year and work hard on the finalization of the project results, we are also having more and more to share with our audience; not only raising their attention to the project but also paving the way for the possible transfer and adoption of our results. Given the fact that foRMAtion is still unique by putting undergraduate students in the centre and aiming to provide them an overview on the profession and boost their related skills, there is a high potential to ensure that the outcomes of the project benefits both the research management community and higher education institutions. Therefore, our colleagues grab all the opportunities to spread the word on what we have done and how it could be implemented by others across Europe.
On 28 March, in the frame of the Training held for Research Managers of Visegrad (HU, SK, CZ, PL) Countries, Virág Zsár, the coordinator of foRMAtion presented the project among related initiatives run by HETFA. As the audience mainly consisted of research managers already working in the field, those outputs were highlighted which can be even useful for them or their colleagues entering the profession: the online self-development tool including the lessons of the foRMAtion module, the gamified exercises and the tests, as well as the explanatory videos. The presentation is available here.
On 30 and 31 March, the Final Conference of the Visegrad 4 & Western Balkans Network of Research Managers and Administrators was held in Budapest. The in-person event organized by HETFA with the support of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics provided an excellent opportunity to promote the project not only to research managers but also to the representatives of research performing organizations, policy-makers and research funding bodies. The presentation raised high interest among the participants who were willing to learn more and possibly join the institutions involved both in the teaching of the foRMAtion module and implementation of the mentorship programme. The presentation is available here.

28 March, Training held for Research Managers of Visegrad (HU, SK, CZ, PL) Countries

30 and 31 March, the Final Conference of the Visegrad
The most recent experience took place last week, when our colleagues, Cristina Oliveira from NOVA and Virág Zsár from HETFA delivered a pecha kucha presentation during the EARMA Oslo Conference. The physical event gathering more than 1000 participants – mainly research managers but also researchers, consultants and other experts – from Europe and beyond provided a particular opportunity to put foRMAtion in the focus and highlight the possible impacts of the module. The high interest of participants and the discussions following the presentation provide excellent opportunity to move forward and develop new partnerships for the further use of foRMAtion. The presentation is available here.

EARMA Oslo Conference
If you want to learn more on what we have done and how could you benefit from our project and its results, follow us, stay tuned, and join the upcoming stakeholder events!