“Research Managers and Administrators (RMAs) – Challenges & opportunities for education and training”
The foRMAtion consortium will organize several exciting events for the public in the coming months.
One of these will take place in Rome, on the 27 September 2022, where ISINNOVA, an independent research institute with vast international RMA experience and partner of the foRMAtion project, will hold an Italian public stakeholder event hosted by Tor Vergata University of Rome, with the collaboration of Politecnico di Torino and APRE – Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea.
The purpose of the event will be to create awareness about the RMA profession, its role and place in Europe and to present training opportunities in higher education. Within the framework of the foRMAtion project, generator of innovative paths to shape tomorrow’s RMA training, experts will consider challenges to face and training opportunities to develop in order to give RMA the space it deserves as a potential key profession of the future.
A keynote speech by Stijn Delauré, PhD (European Commission, DG Research & Innovation, Unit R&I Actors and Research Careers) will shed light on the EU initiatives for Research Managers and Administrators.
The foRMAtion project tools and outputs will be presented, with a special highlight on the award-winning foRMAtion course taught at NOVA University of Lisbon. Representatives of EARMA and several Italian universities, including Tor Vergata, Politecnico di Torino and Università di Macerata, will take part in discussions about the enhancement of the role of RMAs in the Italian research and innovation ecosystem. The event will also explore opportunities to use, within other higher education systems, the teaching modules developed during foRMAtion and the mentorship methodology piloted by the project.
Please note that only Session 1 (and part of Session 2) will be held in English, while Session 3 will be in Italian.
Take a look at the Agenda
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We count on the participation of higher education leaders, managers, as well as research managers and administrators from research performing organizations and research funding organizations, primarily from Italy.