Lídia Vinczéné Fekete
CorvinusLídia Vinczéné Fekete is involved in teaching and research activities within the Teacher Training and Digital Learning Centre at Corvinus University of Budapest. Within foRMAtion project, she participated in the elaboration of the teaching material, the curriculum and in the teaching of the international modules. She is also involved in communication and management tasks.
Dr. Éva Kőváriné Ignáth
CorvinusDr. Éva Kőváriné Ignáth has been teaching at the International Relations Department at Corvinus University of Budapest for +15 years. She received her PhD at the Corvinus Doctoral School of International Relations. Within foRMAtion project, she participated in the elaboration of the teaching material, the curriculum and in the teaching of the international modules.

Dr. Magdolna Daruka
CorvinusDr. Magdolna Daruka is the Doctor of Economics, teacher, associate professor, senior pedagogical expert at Corvinus University of Budapest. Areas of research & development: pedagogic innovations in HE, professional development of university instructors, blended learning, curriculum development and learning outcome based renewal of degree programmes. Within foRMAtion, she contributed to the teaching material with professional advising.